Crypto identity


Simple & Decentralized

You can register UniPass with an Email address or an existing blockchain address to form your crypto identity.


Multi-chain & Social Account

You can authenticate your multi-chain addresses and even social accounts cryptographically in UniPass, to enrich your crypto identity in metaverse.


Reputation System

UniPass would integrate various reputation systems based on your crypto identities, allowing you to obtain extra bonus while using specific dApps.

Social Recovery


Email-based Social Recovery

With unique on-chain email authentication mechanism, a low barrier Email-based Social Recovery solution came true on UniPass.


Customize Supported

Under customize recovery mode, you can set multiple emails from different mail services as your guardians, without worrying single point of failure.


User friendly

Your families and friends can be your account guardians to protect your cryptocurrency without know any knowledge of blockchain before.

Smart Token

Join Community Group

With UniPass's universal SSO service, everyone can build an asset-based access control for Discord channels or Telegram groups.

Attend Zoom Meeting

Everyone can organize a token-based invitation zoom meeting which only specific token or NFT holders can attend or voicing.

Token-based Forum

A token-based forum can be formed with UniPass plug-in, in which activity points is token and badge is NFT.

Token Notification

Token or NFT issuers can push latest news or events to all holders through UniPass, token is community.
